Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Illinois County Geologic Maps

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STMP Alexander County, Illinois, Geology
STMP AlexanderG
Geology of Alexander County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, STMP AlexanderG, 2 sheets, 40" x 40", 1:48,000. Authors: Devera, J.A., and Breeden, J.R., 2022. Print on demand.
OFS 2000-3 Boone/Winnebago County Bedrock Geology
McGarry, C.S., 2000, Bedrock Geology of Boone and Winnebago Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-3, 1:100,000.
OFS 2000-2 Boone/Winnebago County Bedrock Topography
McGarry, C.S., 2000, Bedrock Topography of Boone and Winnebago Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-2, 1:100,000.
ICGM Bureau County Surfical Eolian & Outwash Sand Deposits
Distribution of Surficial Eolian and Outwash Sand Deposits, Bureau County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Bureau County-SS, 1:100,000. One 28.5" × 31" map sheet contains map, legends, and descriptive text. Miao, X., 2009
OFS 1997-13i Carroll County Aquifer Sensitivity
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Aquifer Sensitivity Map of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6d, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13d Carroll County Bedrock Geology
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Bedrock Geology of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13d, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13e Carroll County Bedrock Topograpy
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Bedrock Topography of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13e, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13h Carroll County Data Points
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Locations of Data Points of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13h, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13j Carroll County Land Cover
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Land Cover of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13j, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13k Carroll County Potential Dolomite Resources
McGarry, C.S. and D.A. Grimley, 1997, Potential Dolomite Resources of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13k, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13b Carroll County Quaternary Deposits
Grimley, D.A., 1997, Quaternary Deposits of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13b, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13f Carroll County Shaded Relief
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Shaded Relief of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13f, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13g Carroll County Surface Slopes
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Surface Slopes of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13g, 1:62,500.
OFS 1997-13a Carroll County Surface Topography
McGarry, C.S., 1997, Surface Topography of Carroll County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-13a, 1:62,500.
ICGM Champaign County Surface Topography
ICGM Champaign County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of Champaign County, Illinois, 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 43" x 41" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
ICGM DuPage Surface Topography
LiDAR Surface Topography of DuPage County, Illinois, 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 32" x 33" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
Statemap HardinCountyBG
Bedrock Geology, Hardin County Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 1:24,000, report, 7 p. Authors: Seid, M.J., and Devera, J.A., 2014
ICGM Henry County Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology of Henry County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Henry County-SG, 1:62,500, report, 4 p. One 42" × 35" map sheet contains map and legends; report contains descriptive text with 3 tables. Anderson, R.C., and Miao, X., 2011
ICGM Henry County Surface Topography
LiDAR Surface Topography of Henry County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Henry-ST, 1:62,500. One 44" × 35" map sheet; includes map, legends and descriptive text with 4 figures. Domier, J.E.J., and Luman, D.E. 2012.
OFS 2000-8i JoDaviess County Aquifer Sensitivity
McGarry, C.S. and M.H. Riggs, 2000, Aquifer Sensitivity Map, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8i, 1:62,500.
C589_map1_0.jpg Circular 589 Characterization of karst terrain and regional tectonics using remotely sensed data in Jo Daviess County, Illinois

Samuel V. Panno, Donald E. Luman, and Dennis R. Kolata 29 pp., large-scale map, and digital appendix

Jo Daviess County in northwestern Illinois is part of the Driftless Area, which includes portions of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. Here, the soils and unconsolidated materials are relatively thin, and coupled with the highly fractured dolomite bedrock, create a geologic setting for a prolific karst aquifer within the region. During the extreme summer drought of 2012, mysterious vegetated lines began appearing in agricultural fields within Jo Daviess County. The presence of these vegetated crop lines was an ephemeral event lasting only a few months, and ISGS researchers responded quickly to document it. The results of on-site investigations and image interpretation of aerial photography acquired from June to October determined that the vegetated crop lines are an accurate reflection of the buried bedrock fracture system in northwestern Illinois, which had heretofore been restricted to direct observation in available road cuts, quarries, and bedrock outcrops. Digitized data sets of these vegetated crop lines can be used in conjunction with alignments of cover-collapse sinkholes and mine diggings to better characterize the geometry and character of the karst aquifer within the Driftless Area of northwestern Illinois, and to better understand the regional tectonics of Illinois and nearby states.

OFS 2000-8d JoDaviess County Bedrock Geology
McGarry, C.S., 2000, Bedrock Geology Map, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8d, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8e JoDaviess County Bedrock Topography
McGarry, C.S. and M.H. Riggs, 2000, Bedrock Surface Topography Map, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8e, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8h JoDaviess County Data Points
Riggs, M.H. and C.S.McGarry, 2000, Map Showing Location of Data Points, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8h, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8c JoDaviess County Drift Thickness
Riggs, M.H. and C.S.McGarry, 2000, Map Showing Thickness of Quaternary Deposits, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8c, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8j JoDaviess County Land Cover
McGarry, C.S., 2000, Land Cover Map, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8j, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8g JoDaviess County Shaded Relief
McGarry, C.S. and M.H. Riggs, 2000, Shaded Relief Map of Bedrock Surface, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8g, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8b JoDaviess County Surficial Geology
Riggs, M.H., 2000, Surficial Geology Map, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8b, 1:62,500.
OFS 2000-8a JoDaviess County Surface Topography
Riggs, M.H., S. Medlin, and C.S.McGarry, 2000, Land Surface Topography Map, Jo Daviess County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2000-8a, 1:62,500.
ICGM Jo Daviess County Surface Topography
ICGM Jo Daviess County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of Jo Daviess County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 42" x 35" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
STMP Johnson County Bedrock Geology
STMP JohnsonBG

Bedrock Geology of Johnson County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, STATEMAP Johnson County-BG, 2 sheets, 1:48,000, and report. Nelson, W.J., Devera, J.A., , C.F. Hoffman, 2021. Print on Demand

ICGM Kane County-3 Dimensional Geologic Model
Three-dimensional Geologic Model, Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Kane-3D. One 27" × 33" map sheet; includes 3-D geologic model and descriptive text with figure. Abert, C.C., Dey, W.S., Davis, A.M., and Curry, B.B. 2007.
ICGM Kane County-Aquifer Sensitivity to Contamination
Aquifer Sensitivity to Contamination, Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Kane-AS, 1:100,000. One 27" × 33" map sheet; includes map, legends and descriptive text. Dey, W.S., Davis, A.M., and Curry, B.B., 2007.
ICGM Kane County-Bedrock Geology
Bedrock Geology, Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Kane-BG, 1:100,000. One 27" × 33" map sheet; includes map, legends and descriptive text. Dey, W.S., Davis, A. M., Curry, B., 2007
ICGM Kane County-Geologic Cross Sections
Geologic Cross Sections, Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Kane-CS, 1:100,000. Two 27" × 33" map sheets; includes map, legends, and descriptive text. Dey, W.S., Davis, A.M., Curry, B.B., and Abert, C.C., 2007.
ICGM Kane County-Major Quaternary Aquifers
Major Quaternary Aquifers, Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Kane-QA, 1:100,000. One 27" × 33" map sheet; includes map, legends and descriptive text. Dey, W.S., Davis, A.M., and Curry, B.B. 2007.
OFS 1990-2f Kane County Soil Drainage
Greenpool, M.R., 1990, Soil Drainage Characteristics of Kane County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1990-2f, 1:62,500.
STMP Kane County Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology of Kane County, Illinois Authors: Curry, B., Grimley, D., and Bruegger, A., 2013.
ICGM Kane County Surface Topography
ICGM Kane County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of Kane County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 37" x 38" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
OFS 2003-12 Lake County 3D
Leetaru, H.E., 2003, 3-D Visualization of Bedrock Resources in Lake County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-12, 2 sheets.
Statemap Lake County SG
Surficial Geology of Lake County, Illinois and adjoining areas: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, 2 sheets, 38" x 35", 1:62,500. Authors: Barnhardt, M.L., Stumpf, A.J., Thomason, J.F. Brown, S.E., and Hansel, A.K., 2015
ICGM Lake County Surface Topography
LiDAR Surface Topography of Lake County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Lake-ST, 1:62,500. One 37" × 33" map sheet; includes map, legend, and descriptive text with 4 figures. Domier, J.E.J., and Luman, D.E., 2013.
OFS 1999-1e Lee County Bedrock Geology
McGarry, C.S., 1999, Bedrock Geology of Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1999-1e, 1:62,500.
OFS 1999-1d Lee County Bedrock Topography
McGarry, C.S., 1999, Bedrock Topography of Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1999-1d, 1:62,500.
OFS 1999-1a Lee County Data Points
Nagy, R.J., 1999, Locations of Data Points in Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1999-1a, 1:62,500.
OFS 1999-1f Lee County Quaternary Deposits
Nagy, R.J., 1999, Quaternary Deposits in Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1999-1f, 1:62,500.
OFS 1999-1c Lee County Shaded Relief
Nagy, R.J., 1999, Shaded Relief in Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1999-1c, 1:62,500.
ICGM Lee County Surficial Eolian & Outwash Sand Deposits
Distribution of Surficial Eolian and Outwash Sand Deposits, Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Lee County-SS, 1:100,000. One 28.5" × 29" map sheet contains map, legends, and descriptive text. Miao, X., 2009.
ICGM Lee County Surface Topography
ICGM Lee County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of Lee County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 40" x 36" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures. Print on Demand
OFS 1999-1b Lee County Surface Topography
Nagy, R.J., 1999, Surface Topography in Lee County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1999-1b, 1:62,500.
STMP Madison County, Illinois, Bedrock Topography
STMP MadisonBT
Bedrock Topography of Madison County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, STMP MadisonBT, 48" x 35.5", 1:62,500. Authors: Grimley, D.A., and Phillips, A.C., 2022. Print on demand.
IPGM Madison County- Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology of Madison County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois Preliminary Geologic Map, IPGM Madison County-SG, 1:100,000. Authors: Grimley, D.A. and Phillips, A. C., 2006
STMP Massac County, Illinois, Geology
STMP MassacG
Geology of Massac County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, STMP MassacG, 2 sheets, 36” x 36”, 1:48,000. Authors: Nelson, W.J., Denny, F.B., Devera, J.A., and Breeden, J. R., 2022. Print on demand.
STMP McHenry County Surficial Geology

Surficial Geology of McHenry County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, STATEMAP McHenry County-SG, 2 sheets, 1:62,500. Curry, B. B. and J. F. Thomason, 2021. Print on Demand

OFS 1995-12 McHenry County Surface Topography
McLean, M.M., M.D. Kelly, and C.S. McGarry, 1995, Surface Topography of McHenry County: Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1995-12, 1:62,500.
ICGM McHenry County Surface Topography
ICGM McHenry County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of McHenry County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 39" x 31" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures
OFS 1997-1d McLean County Bedrock Topography
McLean, M.M., M.D. Kelly, and M.H. Riggs, 1997, Topography of the Bedrock Surface in McLean County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-1d, 1:100,000.
OFS 1997-1c McLean County Data Points
McLean, M.M. and M.H. Riggs, 1997, Locations of Data Points in McLean County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-1c, 1:100,000.
OFS 1997-1e McLean County Drift Thickness
McLean, M.M., M.D. Kelly, and M.H. Riggs, 1997, Thickness of Quaternary Deposits in McLean County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-1e, 1:100,000.
OFS 1997-1b McLean County Extraction Operations
McLean, M.M., M.D. Kelly, and M.H. Riggs, 1997, Extraction Operations in McLean County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-1b, 1:100,000.
OFS 1997-1a McLean County Surface Topography
McLean, M.M. and M.H. Riggs, 1997, Ground Surface Topography of McLean County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 1997-1a, 1:100,000.
ICGM Monroe County Sinkhole Distribution
Distribution and Associated Karst Features of Monroe County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM Monroe County-SD, 1:62,500, report, 12 p. One 31" × 35" map sheet; includes map, legends, and 2 figures. Panno, S.V., and Luman, D. E., 2012.
STMP Monroe County Surficial Geology

Surficial Geology of Monroe County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, STATEMAP Monroe County-SG, 2 sheets, 1:62,500. Grimley, D.A., A.C. Phillips, 2021. Print on Demand

ICGM Monroe County Surface Topography
ICGM Monroe County ST

LiDAR Surface Topography of Monroe County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 35" x 33" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures. Print on Demand

Statemap Pope County Bedrock Geology

Bedrock Geology of Pope County Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP Two 35" x 52 " map sheets; sheet 1 contains map, legends, and 2 figures; sheet 2 includes descriptive stratigraphic column and cross section; report contains descriptive text and 15 figures.

STMP Pulaski County, Illinois, Geology
STMP PulaskiG
Geology of Pulaski County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, STMP PulaskiG, 2 sheets, 30" x 34", 1:48,000. Authors: Nelson, W.J., Denny, F.B., Devera, J.A., and Breeden, J.R., 2022. Print on demand.
STMP St. Clair County, Illinois, Bedrock Topography
Bedrock Topography of St. Clair County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, USGS-STATEMAP contract report, STMP StClairBT, 1 sheet, 39.5” x 35.5”, 1:62,500. Authors: Grimley, D.A., and Phillips, A.C., 2022. Print on demand.
ICGM St. Clair County Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology of St. Clair County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois County Geologic Map, ICGM St. Clair-SG, 2 sheets, 1:62,500. Two 42" × 35" map sheets; sheet 1 contains map and legends; sheet 2 contains descriptive text with 6 figures, and 3 cross sections. Grimley, D.A., and Phillips, A.C., 2011.
ICGM St. Clair County Surface Topography
ICGM St. Clair County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of St. Clair County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 39" x 36" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
OFS 2003-6d Tazewell County Aquifer Sensitivity
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Aquifer Sensitivity Map of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6d, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6h Tazewell County Bedrock Topography
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Bedrock Topography of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6h, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6i Tazewell County Data Points
Johnstone, P.D. and C.S. McGarry, 2003, Location of Data Points for Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6i, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6b Tazewell County Drift Thickness
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Thickness of Quaternary Deposits of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6b, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6e Tazewell County Resource Extraction
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Resource Extraction and Landfill Activities of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6e, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6f Tazewell County Shaded Relief
Johnstone, P.D. and C.S. McGarry, 2003, Shaded Relief Map of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6f, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6c Tazewell County Surface Slopes
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Surface Slopes of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6c, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6a Tazewell County Surficial Geology
Johnstone, P.D., 2003, Surficial Geology of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geolgical Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6a, 1:62,500.
OFS 2003-6g Tazewell County Surficial Topography
Johnstone, P.D. and C.S. McGarry, 2003, Surficial Topography of Tazewell County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Open File Series, OFS 2003-6g, 1:62,500.
STMP Union County Bedrock Geology

Bedrock Geology of Union County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, STATEMAP Union County-BG, 2 sheets, 1:48,000, and report. Devera, J.A., W.J. Nelson, C.F. Hoffman, J.R. Breeden, 2021. Print on Demand

ICGM Whiteside County Surficial Geology
Surficial Geology of Whiteside County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, ICGM Whiteside-SG, 1:62,500, report, 3 p. Authors: Anderson, R.C., and X. Miao, 2013
ICGM Whiteside County Surface Topography
ICGM Whiteside County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of Whiteside County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Description: One 45" x 32" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
ICGM Will County Surface Topography
ICGM Will County ST
LiDAR Surface Topography of Will County, Illinois 1:62,500. Authors: Domier, J.E.J., and D.E. Luman, 2014 Print on Demand Description: One 42" x 40" map sheet; contains map, legends, descriptive text, and 4 figures.
STMP Williamson County Bedrock Geology

Bedrock geology of Williamson County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, STATEMAP Two 36" x 30" map sheets and a 65 page report. Author: Nelson, W. John, 2020.

STMP Williamson County Surficial Geology

Surficial geology of Williamson County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, STATEMAP Two 35.5" × 32" map sheets and one 11-page report. Authors: Grimley, David A., Follmer, Leon R., and Nelson, W. John, 2020.


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